Stop the Worry |
It’s about Gaining Faith

An expert from Meeting your Magnificence: 111 Ways to Live from Your Highest Self

by Carolyn Golbus . July 2024

When we worry we are living in the future.

We create a story about how a present event will turn out. Most of the time the event does not turn out as we imagine it to be. As our head creates a drama we do not want, our heart gets overcome by fear. Whatever we are living is a result of our beliefs and expectations. Worry is about having a fearful expectation. The sooner we understand that the energy of worry lacks faith we can begin the process of change.

When we worry, we are saying to the Universe, “You don’t have this.”

Instead of expecting the best, we fear for the worst. Our imaginations are powerful creatures. As we play out in our minds our “worst case scenario’s” stress and anxiety become a normal part of our days. When we understand that it is within our capacity to change our thinking we can begin to let worrisome thoughts fade. They might always be present to some degree but they do not have to control our lives. We must understand we do this by the thoughts we choose to think.

Stopping the worry is about gaining faith.

As we come to truly believe that there is a higher-self, a higher power, that is always within us, we can begin to relax. We can use our spiritual side to draw into us the good things in life. We get quiet. We ask for help from the God of our understanding and we expect results. We come to believe that we are not alone in this drama called life. We come to know that we have within us an infinite intelligence at our beckon call. We become willing to ask and receive this aid. As we grow in spirit, we understand that the solutions to life’s problems can come in a myriad of ways. We stay open to these answers.

In order to grow our faith we have to want it.

As our desire for peace becomes greater than our need for control we allow a different way of being to enter our experience. We do our best to choose positive thoughts. We look at how our lives have unfolded and we remember that things do pass. We become people who do not have to know the answers in each moment. Clarity becomes our friend and we gain the patience to wait for answers to come. It is impossible to stay in worry and faith at the same time. The more we choose to believe in the goodness of the Universe, the more that goodness is ours.

From “Meeting Your Magnificence...111 Ways to Live From Your Higher Self” by Carolyn Golbus